Travel to Kuala Lumpur

1 March 2010


Today at lunch, the Maryknoll group had a final meal with the Friends Across Borders group, and then people started their journeys homeward. From the restaurant, 3 FABers and Kevin Conroy and Charlie Dittmeier drove straight to the airport. Charlie was heading to Sri Lanka but the other four were going to Bangkok to explore Thailand a little and (for Kevin) to buy some books for the university psychology department. Charlie went on to Kuala Lumpur to catch an early morning flight to Colombo.


At Phnom Penh airport
Carol Falender, Pam Cibik, and Anita DaHinten are all from Ohio and decided to see a little of Thailand since they had come this far to see Cambodia.  Kevin served as local guide for this last stage of their trip and was organizing the group check-in at the Phnom Penh airport.
Leaving Phnom Penh
An aerial view of the outskirts of Phnom Penh.  The terrain is extremely flat and only now, at the end of the dry season, can one look toward the horizon without seeing miles and miles of flooded land.

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